Brother’s Bond Whiskey Straight Bourbon 750ml
Brother’s Bond Whiskey Straight Bourbon 750ml
Brother’s Bond is created by Ian Somerhalder and Paul Wesley, known as “The Salvatore Brothers” from the famed TV series, “The Vampire Diaries.” The true bond of their friendship strengthened while drinking bourbon, both on and off-screen, for over a decade. The brand name is a nod to their on-screen characters, their shared love for great bourbon, and a reflection of the sense of brotherhood they have formed over the years.
They crafted this hand-selected batch, distilled and aged in the tradition of all great bourbon. A four-grain, high rye bourbon. The mash bill is 65% Corn, 22% Rye, the percentage Wheat and Barley is our secret. Copper column and copper pot-doubler distilled. Aged for a minimum of 4 years in virgin American oak barrels. The barrel staves with #4 char and the barrel heads with #2 char.
Tasting Notes: Elegant and exceptionally smooth, complex & balanced taste with a touch of sweetness & spice
Strength: bottled at 40% ABV/VOL (80 proof)
Color: Sunset Gold
Nose: Baked banana bread, ripe tree fruit, walnuts, orange honey, warm rye spice
Body: Balanced, round, and velvety smooth
Taste: Toasted cereal grain, honey suckle, dried fruit, black tea, spice
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