1792 12 Year Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
1792 12 Year Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
Nose of 1792 12 Year Straight Bourbon Whiskey
Traditional bourbon notes of vanilla and caramel are plentiful, with toffee and honey providing an additional layer of sweetness. Oak is also present, but gentle in its assertiveness. Overall mild in complexity and intensity, the nose is quite enjoyable, but plays it safe.
Palate of 1792 12 Year Straight Bourbon Whiskey
Walnut, toasted oak, and rye spice produce a bold front to the flavor profile. Much of the sweetness the nose hinted at has disappeared on the palate. Almost immediately you can feel the dryness of the bourbon hit your tongue. Without much sweetness to help balance this, the bourbon is a bit one-sided and certainly doesn’t hide its age.
Other Varieties:
1792 Single Barrel Whiskey 750ml
Kentucky Owl Bourbon Whiskey Batch #12 750ml