Crafthouse Cocktails Rum Old Fashioned 200ml
Over two hundred years old, the Old Fashioned is the very definition of a “cocktail”: a combination of spirits, sugar, water and bitters. And while this classic is typically made with whiskey, it can in fact be made with almost any base spirit. We make our Canned Old Fashioned with a long-aged, full-flavored, “whiskey-drinker” rum: 5 Years Barbados aged rum, which we combine with Xaymaca Special Dry pot stilled rum, a touch of sugar, and a dash of Bittered Sling’s Malagasy chocolate bitters. The result is a 100% all-natural, gluten-free Old Fashioned in a Can masterpiece.
Serve our Rum Old Fashioned over ice, misted with orange oil and garnished with orange peel.