Cream Of Kentucky 13 Year Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
Cream Of Kentucky 13 Year Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
Their aim is to produce Kentucky straight bourbon whiskey and straight rye whiskey the “old-fashioned way” relative to the requisites, guidelines, and standards for straight whiskey production that have been in place for close to two centuries. The Cream of Kentucky label was first introduced in 1888 by I. Trager & Co. of Cincinnati, Ohio. Before Prohibition ended, the brand was picked up by the renowned Schenley Company and re-introduced to the industry in 1934. Cream of Kentucky reached great success in the 30s and 40s, using the work of famed artist Norman Rockwell.
Cream of Kentucky is now owned by J.W. Rutledge, who has recently secured a limited supply of Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey he feels is worthy of the rebirth of Cream of Kentucky Bourbon as a premium whiskey. Cream of Kentucky 13 is a 13-year-old straight bourbon that was sourced by the discerning eye of Jim Rutledge and is an exquisitely well-balanced and rich straight bourbon.
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